that ATTRACT women like a MAGNET"
"The Creator's -
The STEP by STEP Revolutionary and Complete Self-Study Online Dating System that Works.
Discover how to get an Unfair Advantage over 97% of guys online...
by Unlocking Your Inner Power and Tapping into the Codes of the Female Psyche.
But I’m not asking you to believe anything just yet, until you see the evidence for yourself.
All I ask is that you refrain from disbelieving while I show you my proof. It will take just a few minutes, yet the difference it will make to YOUR SUCCESS in attracting the beautiful women that you want to date is enormous.
Have you ever know any guys who are just regular looking but always seem to land up with great looking girls? Did you ever think to yourself “How does he do it?" The great news is it can be done, by following simple (but not always obvious) techniques that will increase your attractiveness to women ten fold.
If you're not having great success dating women right now, it's not necessarily because there's something wrong with you, but there's definitely something wrong with the techniques you're using. So it’s absolutely critical that you DO NOT send another dating e-mail until you've read every single word on this page!
- Have you been attracted to online dating, but found it frustrating and got poor results?
- Has barely anyone contacted you...even though you think your profile is great?
- Has your self-confidence been shattered due to your lack of dating skills?
- Have you viewed lots of womens profiles, but not many women have viewed yours ?
- Are the emails you’ve submitted not being answered?
- Maybe you’re thinking that only handsome guys get to attract gorgeous ladies?
- Maybe you get a ton of emails from women, but they’re not the ones you desire?
- Are you exchanging an email or two with women, but you simply can't hold their interest?
- Maybe you fancy trying online dating seriously but don't know how to go about it properly?
Jeez ...is it
really so difficult to connect with and meet desireable women online?
NO ...
The Fact Is...
YOU CAN Attract and Seduce Women Online...
You Just Need To Know HOW TO DO IT
and guess what ...there are two simple reasons why 97% of guys aren't successful in meeting the women they want to online:
1) They don't understand how women think!
2) They don't know the techniques to attract those women!
You see, so many guys make the same old error of trying their hardest to IMPRESS when in fact they should be concentrating their efforts on ATTRACTION and SEDUCTION.
The fact is trying to impress women only leads to Frustration and Zero Results!
Once you learn how to ATTRACT, INTRIGUE and SEDUCE Women ...
Its Suddenly becomes Possible to Date Thousands of Desireable Women Online
because once you realize how to achieve that ...
- You will quickly stand out from the 1000s of other males who are doing it completely wrong.
- The hotest girls that receive countless messages every day from men, are going to choose YOUR message instead of theirs to respond to.
- You will have a profile which will magnetically attract females, encouraging women to contact you first.
- Women of all ages will not only become primarily fascinated with you, but actually will wish to meet you.
Before I get on to how you can achieve that…
IMAGINE knowing how to create a profile that will instantly attract women and encourage them to contact you first.
IMAGINE having the ability to HAVE FUN WITH internet dating, interacting with the ladies that interest you most - and having all the knowledge to turn it ON and OFF whenever YOU feel like!
IMAGINE receiving masses of email every week from different women and having the power to pick and choose who to respond to!
IMAGINE having the power to select which women you want to interact more with, and having the 'special vision' that allows you to easily see which women have the ideal characteristics to suit your personaility.
IMAGINE mastering the right way to create emails and messages so that they ALWAYS get replied to.
IMAGINE being fully in control of your online adventures, and always achieving your dating goals.
Well STOP imagining, because in a moment I'm going to prove it to you that ALL of this can be happening to you RIGHT NOW.
So without further ado, allow me to share my credentials and show you how to ignite your Dating Life Forever...
The Creator and the most Powerful Online Dating System Available...
The Revolutionary Online Dating System that Unlocks the Secrets of the Dating Gurus and Teaches You Incredible Techniques for Seducing Women Online
Dear Friend,
My name is The Creator, and I am the author and creator of ‘Online Dating Profile Mastery’ - the 5 volume dating system which unlocks powerful dating methods which were until now kept secret. Below are a few of the real women I’ve met using Online Dating Profile Mastery techniques.
Firstly however I need to make one thing clear, I’m not a doctor, nor have I been a therapist, professional psychologist or some professor. I’m just a regular guy who’d learned through trial and error how to achieve unbelievable success to meet far more women in far less time than I could have ever imagined.
I've been practicing, perfecting and refining the art of online attraction and seduction for over 12 years. This revolutionary online attraction system is a catalyst for tapping into the vast numbers of women seeking men out there. My life changed through using these techniques, and so could yours. Now I’m certainly NOT one of those naturally, good-looking guys whom women seem to fall at their feet because of their devilishly handsome goods looks, or even a silver tongued smooth talking operator who brags about how large their bank account is just to win the attention of women.
We may not have met face to face yet, but I feel that I already know you! I know you because I've shared all the same insecurities, experiences and frustrating situations with women that you have.
"Hi Creator,
I’m so glad I purchased your system as it was apparently clear from the outset that you indeed have a genuine passion for helping men improve their online results. After studying each of the steps I now feel so empowered, and not afraid to venture further into the internet dating world with far more confidence.
Your approach was very both practical, effective, inspirational and your uncanny ability to identify areas of concern where guys typically go wrong, but then offer realistic solutions was totally invaluable and beyond all of my expectations.
Therefore this testimonial is the very least I could do to express my sincere gratitude for regaining my own self-belief system"
Charles – Boston, MA, USA
So Who is The Creator…?
Well I have been described by women I’ve met online as a soulful-connoisseur whose somewhat intellectually-deep, a man who comes across as an unknown mystery but extremely charmingly confident and fearlessly funny and someone who carries a sprinkle of charisma, creativity and witticism.
Uh and its funny to think that those comments are a far cry from the responses I would have got back 12 years ago when my good friend Chris introduced me to the wonderful world of online dating. “Try it!” he said. . . “You’ll really like it?”, and boy, was he right! I had nothing to lose, besides why was I slowly torturing myself by approaching women in bars or clubs, and then ending up struggling with meaningless conversations with women in places where you can’t even hear yourself think... Madness!
So I did eventually turn to online dating sites.
“OK Creator that sounds fine, but what makes you such an expert on this 21st Century form of dating?”
Well in a nutshell, the majority of men just don’t have a goddamn clue about meeting women online - period! Most guys believe they have the pulling-power of a plow horse, and they're unable to comprehend that women see straight through their plastic smiles, whimsical cyber flirts and insincere wolfish demeanor within a microsecond.
There’s no body language or eye contact involved when trying to meet women online, and you simply can’t stand out from a crowd in the same manner you could when comparing to dating in the traditional sense. You’re just one of the millions of profiles posted in an array of thousands of dating websites. So Just How do You Stand Out from the Crowd Online?
Thankfully for you, this is where I come in...
- I have over 12+ years experience in the field and have studied the teachings of the highest and most prestigious dating guru’s and coaches on the planet. I have taken and integrated the best advice from them and formulated my own techniques and integrated it all into this step-by-step dating system.
- I’ve been on countless online dating sites, corresponded with more than 17,000 women from various countries and nationalities, and dated in excess of thousands of women.
- I’ve moderated on many well known dating sites and written articles, blogs, press releases and held workshops and seminars on the subject of meeting women online.
- I have developed the most complete and comprehensive online dating system out there which is a guaranteed detailed guide for Successfully Meeting Women Online.
- The package has been 2 years in the making... and it is so systematic and reliable that I have been labeled an 'Online Dating Genius'.
- Easy to follow checklists have been developed so you can follow my methods at every stage of the Online Dating Cycle, and I’ve also created the "Magic Templates" for emails which will enable you to achieve the highest chance of a response.
- The system will reveal a method of creating powerful "Subject Lines" that intrigues enough interest that a woman will want to open YOUR email out of the hundreds in her inbox.
- I will reveal to you how I fixed my profile so that it turned it into a compelling unique advertisement
and like I said I Met Them All Through The Internet…and YOU CAN TOO!
Here's some solid proof...
Over 240 Women Waiting Patiently to MEET ME…results achieved over 3 days
My Inbox, Absolutely Overflowing with Messages from women all seeking MY Attention
50+ emails from women in just ONE DAY after reading my profile!!
And YES it is possible… just check out some of the amazing 1st contact emails from women.
So what’s my point with all these statistics?
Well simple really, I wanted to illustrate what a success and a boom the internet dating has been to my social life for the last 12+ years. Believe me when I tell you that I’ve tried and done it all…and that includes the good, the bad and the ugly… I’m on a mission to change your life….because as god is my witness, it certainly changed mine. So how the hell did I do it?
What am I doing differently than all those wealthier, better-looking guys who spend hours upon hours trying to get dates... when I've been getting several dates a week from gorgeous women? Those guys are doing something VERY wrong... and it's one of those two mistakes I'll tell you about shortly!
But Let Me Tell You First about My Journey ...since I wasn't always successful with women!
Before entering this wonderful world of finding women online my mentality was one of…
“Come on, how difficult can it be to send a few e-mails, exchange messages and ask her out?” Er...not as easy as I initially imagined. To my utter dismay and disbelief I found out the hard way that it wasn’t simple at all!
To begin with, I loathed the lack of response. It felt like getting rejected to your face, without any hint about what the issue was. It took a little while until I could figure out why this was happening, and through trial and error, I developed a few techniques to really make my time on online dating sites work for me.
Early on, one important thing I discovered was that I needed to see things from a woman's angle.
So I started to study all the dating products out there including books, DVD's, audio courses, and attending workshops and seminars. Some of these were ok and I picked up some good tips and advice, but most were poorly structured, without giving practical examples and difficult for 'normal' guys to implement in the real world.
Others were too simplistic and gave the impression that with just a great photo with a killer smile you could go from zero to hero. Jeez...what a joke - if only it was that easy!
To tell you the truth I was amazed from the volume of online dating courses available which are authored by people who had all the theory but had never put it into practice. I know this because I have read virtually everything on the market...and it’s not that it couldn't work, it’s just the way it was put together.
None really provided me with what I was after; a Step-by-Step guide that would take newbie’s like me, from ground zero to a level where they had enough confidence to get success with actual women dating online.
Until one day it all changed, I had that AHA moment...
by performing this 'In The Field' research I had flicked the switch to the understanding of what really worked for seducing women online, and being good looking or rich had absolutely nothing to do with it.
I realized observation is essential to discover exactly what others are doing that works, and then having the capability to record it and explain it in a manner that others can easily understand and utilize.
It was more about being a man who decided what he wanted and went after it by pursuing a strategy instead of the 'see how it goes' mentality which 97% of men apply - which inevitably is a plan to fail.
No Plan . No Strategy . No Forethought = No Chance
Eventually through my rigorous studies and adopting an attitude of Plan, Do, Check, Action, I eventually developed techniques…
- To write profiles that were so intriguing and attractive to women that hundreds of different ladies contacted me weekly.
- To get women almost guaranteed to respond to my first e-mail.
- To stimulate a woman to send me her phone number the second time I emailed her.
- To say things during that first phone call that would get a woman to meet me in person.
- To prevent getting emotionally caught up within a cyber-relationship.
- That determined the best times of the day and week to communicate with women.
- To avoid saying things that would condemn my chances during exchanges.
- To ensure that my pictures were not only great, but also conveyed aspects of my personality.
- To convey profiles which had many subtle meanings but contained very few words.
- To avoid at all costs dishing out compliments and flattery willy nilly and took the attitude that in fact, it was ME that was the Prize by standing out from the pack and conveying a certain edge within my profile that was memorable, witty and intelligent.
…and I can assure you, I could easily list another 100 benefits to using these techniques.
I went from online dating Loser to a "Serious Hot Commodity" almost overnight.
And the great news is that,
I am going to Share all My Secrets with you...
Step by Step
Consider everything in this step-by-step system as a wake-up call and a lifeline you can use when the going gets challenging in your activities online. I am going to explain to you how to write the perfect dating profile, select amazing photos and stop you making the same time wasting mistakes that every other guy does.
This system is an intuitive methodology meant for guys like you who want a clever way to hookup with women online without the pain of starting from ground zero and by optimize your profile with the tips, techniques and strategies that I outline, you will be looked upon as being far more desirable.
Simple Really… When I created this program, my goal was to make it the most Effective, Complete, Powerful and Comprehensive system on the planet since I get great satisfaction in teaching others something that benefits them.
This system is a compilation of everything I've discovered and used to achieve success. Not just that, but the information I'm going to reveal to you has not only been used by myself, but others who have seen my success once I shared the same knowledge with them.
My objective is to provide a system for you guys that are either considering or currently involved in online dating but haven't achieved real success yet. I'm here to share with you my collective Wisdom, Experiences and Knowledge Gained from 12+ Years Experience of Attracting, Seducing and Dating Women Online.
In those 12 years I have been fortunate enough to be able to travel and meet women from all over the globe including Japan, UK, USA and Europe. Those women came from a broad range of different cultures, religions, racial backgrounds, unique lifestyles and personalities. Regardless of their background, there exist common underlying traits of behavior and thought processes that can be tapped into to make any woman feel attracted to you.
This system is straightforward, because it's based on your self-development that if followed diligently, my teachings will transform your dating results. Using my system YOU can Improve, YOU stay in Control, and YOU call the Shots. Be warned, I am going to tell you how women tick online and why they tick by breaking it all down into a 5 stage system so that you can quickly gain these skills.
Like with anything we do in life, the more you do something, the greater degree of confidence and comfort you gain from it merely through repetition. Ultimately this will lead to Perfect Practice so that the application of my techniques and theories will eventually become second nature.
So How Does The Online Dating Profile Mastery System Work?
By allowing you to understand and tap into the codes deeply wired into the female psyche. And once you understand how they work, you can manipulate the outcome to your advantage.
The techniques taught in Online Dating Profile Mastery will significantly increase your power over women, but use that new power wisely. Once you understand how to access the deep genetic thought patterns programmed into a woman's thinking you could easily cause serious emotional damage. Use this knowledge with caution and respect.
Whether you're new to the game or a seasoned veteran, you’re about to take your first step to re-inventing yourself as "that guy" who enjoys a wonderful love life with more women than you ever imagined possible.
The techniques taught in this system will allow you to unlock YOUR hidden powers of seduction and will give you the results you've been dreaming about!
This system comes as a complete package and has been specifically designed for ease without feeling pressured or overwhelmed, by being divided into 5 independent parts, each tackling a different aspect of the dating cycle.
This means that no matter what stage of the game you are in, you'll always be able to implement the part of the system where you need the most work in and ensures that it works regardless of being a complete novice or a budding dating guru.
The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery teaches you how you can have Direct Access to a Woman's 'Attraction Switch' by following Step-By-Step instructions and implementing them in a way to suit your unique personality and style
and remember…
You Don’t Need To Change Who You Are Or Pretend To Be Someone You’re Not To Follow This System.
- The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery is a no fluff, no waffle program. It only includes what you really need to know in order to succeed.
- Starting with the basics and including all the elements of the Online Dating Cycle, each lesson will build and expand on any knowledge you’ve already gained.
- From time to time, I also include special ‘Creator Nuggets’, short observations, tips and warnings to emphasize a key point and drive home its importance.
- If you’re just starting out with dating online or you’re still fairly inexperienced, The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery will be a great way to gradually build your knowledge and ability.
- If you’re more experienced, look on it as a refresher course and a chance to learn some extra insider secrets to boost your response rates to even higher levels.
To give you a better understanding of what The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery is all about, here are the steps you'll go through within this system:
Online dating is great fun and exhilarating. Find out why online dating beats all other traditional methods of finding a suitable partner, and learn a method for trying out all the facilities of a dating site without actually paying a penny.
Learn to read the clues that will tell you instantly whether a dating site is the right one for you and find out how to find a site that will match you up with your ideal types.
Quickly gain a deeper understanding of how women think, what women find attractive in men, and what makes women tick - so you can use it to your advantage…like I have! I am also going to ask you to examine yourself so that you set out your preferences to filter women that will best match your specific interests and personality...not just go for anything in a skirt that moves!
Contrary to common belief, find out why your family and friends can actually hold you back and why you shouldn't consult with them over your dates.
Many of my members commented that this material is hypnotizing and they were unable to stop reading until read in its entirety.
This is the knowledge that a lot of my members have craved for...how to create a profile with maximum impact...POW hit them with it!
This section takes you through the type of usernames and taglines that work best, how to write a profile description bursting with interest and mystique that gets them aching to know more about you, and how to take and select photos to give the best impression…all done in such a way that you will drive women crazy with intrigue and excitement and craving to contact you.
What and how you say something is one of the the keys to tapping into the female psyche and creating interest about you.
Learn exactly what to say, and how to say it to gain a woman's attention ...and keep it! I will also give you practical techniques to organize yourself to keep track of things in readiness for when your dates really start rolling in.
How do you go about making that first phone call, what do you say, how do you say it, when do you say it, and understand key issues like; why you should always be first off the phone.
Where are the best places to go for dates, and at what times of the day / week? Understand why failing to escalate the date timely sends out negative signals to her that makes her fear you are rejecting her, and learn how to read body language and time your advances to make women crave for physical contact.
and furthermore...
Not only will you know that what you're learning in this program achieves unbelievable results...but you will also learn how to do this for yourself QUICKLY and EASILY, because I will walk you through everything step-by-step.
So here's just a sample taster of some of the exciting lessons ahead of you…
Learn How to Write Magnetic Online Profiles...
- Exactly what to write and how to say things to promote the ideal profile - so that women are instantly drawn to you.
- Exactly how to create your online profile to connect with women on an emotional level so that they instantly relate to you.
- Techniques to read any woman's user profile and determine what type of female she actually is and exactly what she is wishing for.
- How to arouse interest from and captivate beautiful women that you thought were 'out of your league'.
- Profile critique – critical comments on the 12 biggest blunders men make in their online profiles and personal advice on fixing each one.
- Create an urgent sense of curiosity, almost forcing her to message you before she’s even done reading your profile.
- How to structure your profile, messages and emails to powerfully attract and seduce women before meeting them in person.
- The majority of profiles and online messages are just plain BORING. I will make sure that you have all the tips and techniques to generate intrigue and stand out from the crowd.
- Learn how to convey humor and make women laugh from just reading your profile or messages.
Shaun - Beverly Hills, USA
and then we will move to...
Learn How to Get instant Attention by Putting Pizzazz In Your Pictures
- Why your photos communicate powerful messages to women, how to pick the best photos, and how to steer clear of posting photos which will switch off the majority of women.
- Every picture tells a story – 9 photo mistakes to avoid at all cost ... plus expert tips and tricks on creating images she’ll just about drool over .
- Learn ALL the techniques to create MAGNETIC pictures that STAND OUT from the rest of the guys out there!
- Why having a blank picture is such a deal breaker for women (Even if your profile ad is amazing).
- Photo’s can be windows to your soul – I’ll show you how.
- Why posting half-naked pictures of yourself doesn’t really cut the mustard, but I’ll show you how you can still pull in the ladies effectively by being partially clothed.
- Nine times out of 10, you’re only as attractive to women as your worst picture. Learn the techniques for developing and posting photos with maximum impact.
- I will teach you how to create an extended photo gallery that displays your sense of adventure, fun, comfort, culture and style that will turn on virtually every woman.
- Your online photo’s can either make or break your profile ad; I’ll show you how to avoid those red flags which will cause the ladies to scramble to click onto the next profile.
“Hi Creator, just a note to express my sincere gratitude. As an experienced online dater for many years I’ve read quite a few dating books and manuals, however what you has developed here simply blows the competition out of the water.
I like the fact that the system is beautifully illustrated and teaches in great depth how to build attraction from the outset, destroying all previous notions and negative stigma I have previously had about online dating.
You have a unique flair for tapping into the hidden secrets of flirting with women without them even becoming aware of it, and skillfully and smoothly maneuvered you through the various layers of creating a profile without becoming intimidated or overwhelmed.
I have found the system incredibly empowering and insightful and in my opinion you will clearly become the prominent specialist within this field over the coming years. “
Richard – Chino Hills, CA
Learn Killer Techniques for Catching and Keeping Women through Simple yet Effective Communication
- The most important factors that separate the men women will respond to from the ones they ignore.
- How to be able to "read" any woman online - and how to understand exactly how women are wired.
- How to write emails that are guaranteed to intrigue women and get a response every time!
- How and when to contact women online - and how to keep the momentum going once contact has occurred.
- Learn to easily pin-point the things you do that turn women off.
- How to deal with rejection.
- Know why sending out a wink or similar to a woman is likely to blow your chances, but if SHE sends a wink to YOU its an opportunity to get into her mind and seduce her.
- The FATAL ERROR that 99% of guys make when e-mailing women online that automatically DESTROYS their chances of getting a reply back.
- The Copy and Paste method that utilizes completely customizable messages. A CUT-AND-PASTE message you can use to move her off of the dating site and initiate Facebook, IM or Phone communication.
Mr Gordini – London. UK
Learn How to Manipulate Phone Conversations to Get Her Aching with Intrigue and Eager to Meet You in Person…
- Learn exactly what to say on that crucial first phone call to initially make her feel comfortable before hitting the ‘romance triggers’ and getting her heart pounding with excitement in anticipation of a date.
- Find out the exact amount of time you need to wait to call a woman after you get her phone number (You'll find out why this one secret literally DOUBLES your rate of dating success).
- What you should NEVER talk about on the phone with a woman you just met - break this rule and you'll never have a shot at a date.
- Before you talk to her - a quick checklist of things that will ensure she receives you warmly straight-away... PLUS the order and syntax of attraction (it's just a simple code, but it will guarantee your success).
- A simple step-by-step system that teaches you how to engage sexy women in fun and natural conversations, right through to how you can increase intimacy, romance and more.
- The 10 vital mistakes almost all men do that blow their chances when talking to women online. You probably are making one of these mistakes right now!
- The rules of calling women - the confidence mindset that gets dates FOR YOU.
- Learn the 1 thing you need to do BEFORE calling women that will set you up for an AWESOME conversation.
"Creator – Awesome Product!
Nice to see that there’s actually an online dating guru out there with the wisdom, logic and skills to teach men how to build real relationships from meeting women they actually want to date.
You certainly offered a fresh perspective on creating my profile that was far more honest, simple and dynamic than all of my previous attempts. After only reading a few chapters which were extremely informative and thoughtful, I was delighted to see immediate improvements with my response rates.
I feel I now communicate with a potential date in a far more emotional way rather than some illogical manner. I am now excited to see where my online dating journey will take me, but I can assure you of one thing…I’ll certainly be checking back to your website for more products, advice and techniques as they are released."
Vincent – Los Angeles
PLUS you get to understand even more great stuff, like…
- How to create a 'new self' that women are attracted to, while still 'being yourself'.
- How to develop a lifestyle that will make women see you as exciting and interesting.
- How to get women to chase you (instead of the other way around).
- Online Dating Mindset Conditioning – simple yet effective techniques to set your mentality in order for success.
- How to think differently, feel differently and act differently about money, wealth, and most importantly... yourself!
- How to avoid the top turnoffs and mistakes that 97% of guys make.
- How to spot the time wasters (there are actually nine different varieties.)
- And… how to use your hidden power as a man to jump over your "inner wimp"… and position yourself in total control of the situation.
and much... much more!
To make sure that as well as understanding the system you can easily and quickly implement all the techniques of Online Dating Profile Mastery I am including a pack of easy to follow checklists for the whole system.
So, as you can see from this little taster,
I’ve Jam packed all my Online Attraction Secrets into one Amazing Step-by-Step Program that promises to Excite, Attract and Seduce Women in a way which you never thought possible.
However I'm Not Done Yet... Not Even Close.Act Now And Be REWARDED For Taking Immediate, Definitive Action For Changing Your Love Life Forever
*Bonuses are on a limited quantity basis, so make sure to ACT FAST so you don’t miss out on
How to be Successful at Interracial Dating - A detailed guide to understanding and getting the most out of an interracial relationship.
Needless to say, I got lots of answers.
But there was ONE thing every single person wanted to see, and that was:
A mini-course in its own right on that silent revolution which is slowly but surely taking the world by storm, as more and more people defy ancient taboos to engage in intimate relationships with people from different cultural, religious and racial backgrounds. That revolution is... Interracial Dating.
From the dawn of time, people have intermingled with those of another race. Whether hidden or public, these relationships have existed and will undoubtedly continue.
I’ve developed this detailed mini-book to reveal the shocking truth and help you not only explore interracial dating, but also to assess your own feelings and help you deal with any misconceptions you may have, and how to cope with the stigmas that society sometimes throws at you.
You may be surprised at what you find.
- What is an interracial relationship and how dating people of different cultures can be one of the most exciting experiences of your life?
- Why Interracial Dating is becoming more popular at all ages.
- How to cope with the challenges of interracial unions: racism, stereotypes, preconceptions, societies attitudes.
- How to deal with the challenges.
- How to create the perfect partner criteria.
- How to set and market your image.
- Understanding and coping with society.
- Overcoming your own apprehensions.
This guide…
Will challenge you, inspire you, motivate you, and possibly raise a few eyebrows at times. That’s fine. My goal is that you come out of it with a better understanding of interracial relationships, a better understanding of yourself, and a broader knowledge in dealing with the challenges that go along with interracial dating.
Once you read this, you'll understand why I included it in my program!
(Value = $59… Cost To You... FREE)
My Conversational Cheat Sheet - Transcript of Actual Emails exchanges with Women.
Yes I’ve now finally released the Unedited, Unscripted, Raw Transcripts of Actual email exchanges I’ve had with some of the hottest women that I’ve exchanged conversations with online.
Read real conversations with real women that I've attracted, intrigued and seduced online. These are more than "Hi, hows the weather down there?", "Great how is your day". No this is the full series of flirting exchanges that I've built up in layers until I’ve piqued her interest with so much intrigue, mystery, seduction and attraction that they’re actually begging me to date them.
You will see how I form my subject lines and how I create and escalate connections with women via my emails with them. This is most certainly the perfect tool to help you do this for yourself!
Analise this Cheat Sheet to understand how to practically apply my secret techniques. Then develop your own methods to fit with and promote your own style and personality.
(Value = $67… Cost To You... FREE)
Online Profile Critiques - What Message Are You Broadcasting?
Let’s face it guys, Online dating can be tricky at the best of times, and the detail, presentation and originality of your online profile is single-handedly going to make or break your success. It’s that simple.
Women, spend far more time Reading Your Profiles than they do looking at the pictures...fact! You only get one chance to make a great first impression.
Amid the masses you are going to have to stand out from the crowd, but I hear you asking...
- Just how do you create a compelling profile?
- I’m not getting the responses I really hoped for, why?
- Why am I only being contacted from women that aren’t my type?
- Sigh, I don’t think I measure up?
- Uh, why do women I meet only use me as a meal ticket?
Don’t throw your hands up in despair; let me tell you how I can help… Watch how I decipher, breakdown and critique 12 fictitious character profiles based on actual make-over’s and learn where these guys were going wrong.
You’ll be able to understand their intentions and why certain words they were using gave women completely the wrong negative impression.
Mr Joker, Mr Needy, Mr Sad, Mr Laundry List, Mr Fun, Mr Cocky, Mr Pitiful, Mr Spelling, Mr Playful, Mr Confused, Mr Geek, Mr Unremarkable.
Do you recognize any of them?
I am going to give you detailed analysis of each and every one of these 12 profiles and point out to you what they are doing correctly and when and why they may be heading for a major fall.
- How to write your intentions clearly and attract the right women.
- More original ways to help you sound like a fun, smart, attractive guy.
- Techniques to use to stand out and get noticed with a polished profile.
- Red flags to look out for so you can avoid frustration and disappointment.
- Ways to read between the lines of other profiles so you know what to avoid.
- Learn how to write objectively and how easy it is to spot those little white lies.
- How to write a profile that reflects who you are rather than merely saying who you are.
- How to craft and implement all the techniques and secrets to building an ideal profile.
You can refer to these profile critiques anytime to help you create your PERFECT PROFILE.
Thanks again."
David, Miami FL, USA
(Value = $90… Cost To You... FREE)
The Essential Resource Library - The rules of communication have changed!
Well we may love them or hate them, but it’s got to be said…Emoticons and Net Acronyms, the 21st century form of communication is most definitely here to stay.
These non-verbal cues often influence our interpretation of the messages being conveyed. The reason being is that people nowadays, especially guys, sometimes have difficulty in describing their feelings in words or are afraid that their message could be taken the wrong way.
Thus, the use of emoticons and text talk are quite often used to express their emotions. So here are my personal collection of the most popular Emoticons and Net Acronyms that you may come across during email / text message exchanges. Use them wisely!
(Value = $25… Cost To You... FREE)
Online Dating Management Journal – The little black book for the 21st century
We’ve all heard that famous adage ‘Variety is the spice of life.’ Well that being said, during your online dating journey it's vitally important to develop some way to keep track of ALL the WOMEN who will contact YOU, and believe me when I say…
You will want to begin this as soon as possible!
Because I've been in this game long enough to know that the moment you start utilizing the Methods, Strategies and Secrets as outlined in The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery, you’re going to feel like being a kid again in a candy store.
With so many possibilities you could in fact end up REPLYING to incoming emails from every woman eager to meet you. Believe me, it’s going to be difficult to remember which women contacted you and when.
The Online Dating Management Journal will provide you with the tools necessary to keep a comprehensive track record of the women you meet online.
This Simple-to-Use Auto-Pilot System will provide the following:
- Separate Journal pages to easily recognize each contact
- A method of recording pertinent personal data
- A systematic approach to maintain organization when contacting other members
- Creative virtual dating event ideas
- Help you to avoid confusion and embarrassing conversation
- Assists you by identifying Timewasters, Scammers and Non-desirables.
- Keeps track of important escalation dates and events.
Features include:
- Add unlimited photos
- Record name of your date
- Record where you went
- Record what you did
- Edit dating records
- Record location
- Record how long your dating session lasted
- Record what you wore
- Record what your date wore
- Record any awkward situations during your date
- Record any other dating related notes
And so much more…
(Value = $49… Cost To You... FREE)
These Bonuses Are Not Currently Available for Individual Purchase
The only way for you to get these valuable bonuses is to purchase The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery with this special offer ...today! That's a total BONUS value of $290 …which you’re going to receive absolutely FREE !!! My intention is to make this experience one of the most significant life changing experiences of your life.
These hot bonuses are to reward those of you who act Quickly, Swiftly, Immediately.
Those who take action ALWAYS reap the biggest rewards in life.
So Once The 100 Sets Of These Bonuses Are Downloaded, this SPECIAL OFFER will be removed... never to be repeated!
These individual BONUSES are powerful dating resources in their own right and implementing any of them would massively improve your ability to attract and connect with women online. That's right...
You are getting EVERYTHING you need to IMMEDIATELY Transform your Online Dating Experience and Start Attracting The Women of Your Dreams TODAY.
But What If This Program Doesn't Work For Me?
As I said, I want you to be completely satisfied and absolutely sure that this is the right thing for you to do. I am so confident that you will be delighted with this system and it will get the results that you have been craving for, that for your peace of mind, I insist on doing something that no-one else ever does when they offer this kind of 'high ticket deal' ... I will only offer you this on the basis that if you are anything other than delighted, then…
You are Fully Covered by a Risk Free
30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
"Uh...are you serious Creator...how can you offer this?"
Although I know this system can really change your love life and the training materials alone will give you all the information you need to attract, seduce and date as many woman as you desire online, I realize that you may need to be convinced by seeing the package first. That's why I want you to try everything upfront so you can look at it all, and use the techniques. Yes you read it correctly!
Please feel free to examine and implement the strategies and techniques I’ve developed in this program for 30 days after you receive it. If my program hasn’t helped you in any way then email me back for a full, prompt, and unconditional refund of your payment. You have my word!
I know, pretty bold promise, right?
But I'm so confident that when you see the quality and caliber of the training materials, and start getting immediate results you’ll be absolutely delighted. Besides I don't produce products that are anything less the very best quality and jaw-dropingly effective, so I feel very comfortable making this bold and confident guarantee...
and if you are not absolutely delighted with The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery, as well as the money back guarantee you can keep the 5 bonuses. So put simply
You Get None Of The Risks And All Of The Benefits.
The risks are ENTIRELY on ME.
So give it a fair try. Don't let "The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery" sit on your shelf gathering dust because you won't know the success with women you're missing out on until you put it to work for you.
Now before I move onto how much this program costs. I need to ask you several important questions…
- How much are you willing to invest in yourself?
- How much is it really worth to halt that frustration and ego-crushing-feeling to wait patiently for someone to respond to your emails, or worse still…to even view your profile.
- How much is it worth to stop meeting women you REALLY aren’t interested in?
- How much is it worth to you to immediately begin meeting the women of your dreams and to understand how to connect with them?
- How much is it worth to know how to be one of the elite 3% of men who stand out from the millions of other men online and get contacted by the hottest women?
- How much is it worth to you to join a “dating service” that charges you thousands of dollars but to end up with no guarantee of any results.
but before you start thinking about your answers let me ask you one last question…
What do you think this entire program is really worth?
Well I’ll tell you ….
This program is worth Thousands of Dollars, and as I promised earlier, if you are one of the First 100 who Act PROMPTLY you will receive an Incredible MEGA DISCOUNT Deal
…and I still stand proudly by that statement.
Remember this online dating program isn’t going to be cheap. Cheap often equates to nasty.
After all, how could something cheap enable you to become so successful with women?
Yes of course there are other options…
I also do private coaching, and a lot of my clients are wealthy individuals who have had many of the same online dating issues as everyone else. To hire my services or any other top-class online attraction guru on a one-to-one basis costs from $7000 to $10,000 for a 5 day personal service.
Another option is to spend anywhere from $500 to $1000 a month cruising bars and clubs in the hope of trying to pickup women... and FAILING.
Compare these to being successful through learning from my step by step system which integrates all my online dating knowledge and incredibly effective techniques – all from the comfort of your home, and in your own time, to the schedule which suits you best.
So what would that be worth to you - $1,000, $5,000, $10,000?
I'm not even going to charge you anywhere near this... Not even close!
I told you I would be giving you this package (all 5 Volumes and 5 Bonuses) at a discounted price...
But let's first look at the price of this program if you were to buy everything separately...
Limited Edition Product | Detail | Cost | |
![]() |
THE CREATOR'S - Online Dating Profile Mastery | The 5 Volume Ultimate Online Dating Program including: | $247 |
- VOLUME 1 | Introduction - "Welcome to the Exciting World of Online Dating | ||
- VOLUME 2 | Preparation - "How to Organize Your Mindset for Success" | ||
- VOLUME 3 | The Shop Window - "How to Create POW in Your Online Profile" |
- VOLUME 4 | Communication - " How to Get Them Hooked and Retain Attention" | ||
- VOLUME 5 | Final Stage - "Heading for and Succeeding in The Real World" | ||
BONUS Products | |||
![]() |
Super Hot Bonus #1: | Interracial Dating Manual "A detail guide on how to achieve success at interracial dating" |
$59 |
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Super Hot Bonus #2: | My Conversational Cheat-Sheet "Transcripts of actual conversations with women that reveal exactly how I seduced them" |
$67 |
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Super Hot Bonus #3: | Online Profile Critiques "Practical examples of online profiles with the good and bad aspects pointed out for you to easily follow" |
$90 |
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Super Hot Bonus #4: | Emoticon and Net Acronym Library "A resource library of non-verbal communication symbols." |
$25 |
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Super Hot Bonus #5: | Online Dating Management Journal "The Interactive tracking package for tracking dates" |
$49 |
TOTAL | $547 |
When you consider all of this, it is worth A LOT! It is worth a lot not only in dollars - but in the time, energy and frustration you will no longer have in your dating life. And to be completely honest, it's worth every cent. But I'm not going to charge you anything close to this price.
So Please Accept This One Time Offer and Let's Wrap This Up
Remember, the training package alone INCLUDES ABSOLUTELY EVERY piece of information, tool and resource to improve, develop and escalate your online dating love life and becoming more successful with women….ten fold!
If you are serious about achieving higher levels of success with women than you could ever imagined, you can get this entire program for a one-time investment in yourself of NOT $547 but at an incredible reduced ONE OFF price of $17
And the price I’m asking for the course is probably going to be the cheapest investment in attracting women you’ll ever make…And probably the most rewarding investment too.
One Time Investment = Lifetime Use
In return, you will instantly receive concrete information concerning a valuable, in-demand skill ....allowing you to unleash your new found powers of seduction.
And not only will you be able to apply the thousands of techniques, strategies and secrets as detailed within the contents of The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery, you’ll also save valuable time, effort and money by avoiding other poor quality products which claim to give you ‘the next best thing’. So you come out ahead all ways.
But you’ll have to hurry…
Remember, no physical items will be shipped.
This works out in your favor. Initially, I intended for this program to be a hard-copy, physical package. However, the cost would significantly escalate, plus I figured waiting 2 weeks for my program to arrive was way too long. I know you'll want to start using it right away! Providing instant download access was the only way to achieve this.
This means that within minutes you can have immediate access to download everything I’ve promised, and start learning how to get the power to seduce girls of your choice online. And not only will you benefit from instant-access, but offering this product digitally literally cuts the price of my program in half.... and you don't have to pay ANY shipping or handling costs this way, either.
This program is also fully compatible with both PC and Mac computers!
DON'T HESITATE And MISS OUT On Being One Of The First 100 Guys To Jump On This Offer and Get The Mega Extra Discount Plus The FIVE FREE BONUSES.
Once the first 100 copies of The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery have been sold, the price will increase to $547. I’m making you this special offer, because I want to reward you for taking Immediate Action. After all, if you can make the investment to receive these valuable materials right away, why should you have to pay full price for them?
“Creator, WOW...and...WOW again!! Absolutely without a shadow of doubt the BEST Online dating product I have ever purchased!!!"
Online Dating Profile Mastery is packed to the brim, in fact overflowing with so much information ,but all nicely jammed in one place….the way I like it…’one-stop-shop’...for real.
Phenomenal, Dynamic, Cutting-edge and Mind Blowing are just a few adjectives which come to mind after studying your online dating course.
Yes I have witnessed some life changing events over the last few weeks and I simply cannot thank you enough and anyone who misses out on purchasing this truly AMAZING package will surely regret it - All that content at such an outrageous price M-M-M-MADNESS!!!
B. Wilson – Florida, USA
G. Coleman
Like you my job involves extreme amounts of travel which can be pretty darn boring and tedious. This Program works so incredibly for me because it provides the best, proven and up-to-date information on being successful at online dating, but also I now enter each city with dates already lined up.
I didn't expect these results to be honest with you and anyone who purchases this program will most certainly agree with me – Creator you are the master, Thanks."
Ben – Allentown, USA
Here’s a brief summary of what you’ve read so far:
- You’ve seen why learning the techniques detailed within my online dating program will catapult your dating lifestyle to the next level.
- You’ve read a number of testimonials from guys who have purchased The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery and had great success using my online dating techniques.
- Heard how you can end the confusion and frustration that has been a constant issue with online dating.
- How you can easily gain an understanding of what women are attracted to in a profile, email, and on the telephone and use that to your advantage.
- How you could easily connect, attract and meet with any woman online using The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery methods.
- Heard how your emails will not only get opened and read...but will virtually always get answered.
- You have learnt how you could get to pick and choose which women you want to meet.
- How you can get more dates than you have time to go on, and with the women you most desire
and an extra bonus is…
- …you will never need to spend one more cent on another online dating 'how to' product!
One more thing - It’s important
You know what? I wish I was in your shoes right now. You see, what you’ll discover in this complete home-study online dating program will absolutely slash at least 3-5 years off your learning curve.
I've done all the hard work which means you can genuinely benefit from my experience, and save the 12+ years it's taken me! Not only does it show you how to make be successful with the attraction and seduction process, you’ll also save hundreds of hours of wasted time, thousands of pounds in money and of course become totally free of frustration and despair.
You really have everything to gain and nothing to lose by applying today and just giving this a go... you can dip your toe in the water and prove to yourself that everything I say is true, and if after trialing the training program, for any reason at all, you have changed your mind, then as I said, let me know within sixty days and I'll arrange for you to return it and give you all your money back!
Now along with all these guaranteed benefits, realistically you'll NEVER get a better opportunity to benefit from someone who's already successful and not only meeting women but also helping so many others guys through my techniques, tips and advice.
Another thing you should know.
- Guys have been asking me for years to write a ‘how to’ guide to Online Dating, and the interest in this launch from colleagues and clients has been enormous.
- There are plenty of people (maybe even my competitors) who will know a good thing when they see it. They’ll get The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery, use the information in it, and brag and boast that they created the techniques and strategies themselves.
- Guys who have already purchased my online program are now enjoying great success
- Need more proof – Just look at the Testimonials at the bottom of this letter.
Of course its ultimately down to you to follow and implement the techniques I am handing to you on a plate. But what I can guarantee you with 100% certainty is that when you receive this complete online dating program you’ll be fully armed with the tools and resources you’ll need in a simple-to-use format that anyone can use to successfully attract, seduce and date women online and the odds of you succeeding will increase dramatically.
I'm sure you will agree that you could not have a better opportunity to finally experience the EXTRAORDINARY PLAYBOY LIFESTYLE than what I'm offering you here.
If you genuinely want more out of your Online dating experience, you've got to start doing a few things a little differently ...I did many years ago, and it was the best decision I’ve made. When you take a look at these training materials it could easily be the best decision of your life too!
Now that you’ve read this far, I’ve now given you all the facts to make an informed decision…
Decision Number #1:
Carry on doing exactly what you do now, drifting along with at best a hit and miss mentality which inevitably means you’re getting more of the same as you have now. Hmm actually it's been said that the definition of insanity is 'doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result!
Decision Number #2:
Invest in The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery, use the Powerful Techniques in it, and be one of the elite 3% of men who are able To Unlock the Secret To Seducing, Attracting and Dating Women Online and get Them Competing to Win Your Attention.
Remember: Now you have the ultimate opportunity to 'test the water' and trial a system WITHOUT ANY RISK WHATSOEVER ... to really see if you too can also share the same Online dating lifestyle, but WITHOUT committing yourself to spending any money at all.
So there we are…what more can I say?
Are you going to at least take a sneaky-peak at the training materials and let me show you how simple it is to meet women Online? I strongly suggest you apply today because realistically this offer won't be around for long.
The Complete Online Dating System…
- Click the "Add To Cart" link below... it's as simple as that.
- You'll be taken to a secure order form handled by PayPal.
- Paypal sells my products - they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products.
- PayPal only use the most effective security and anti-fraud measures available.
- You can safely use your Credit card, Debit card or PayPal account to order.
- Your card information will be safely encrypted and won't be stored online.
- Once your order has been processed, you'll get instant-access to the secure, customers-only download page.
- You can either enjoy the entire package from your computer, or you can print everything out or burn them on to CD's so you'll have your very own hard copy.
The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery is not available in Bookshops, Amazon or Ebay.
You can get all 5 Volumes and 5 FREE Bonuses for….Only $17 (FREE Postage & Packing)
You must hurry. The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery special offer is available only for a limited number. I can’t keep selling it at this low amount, and once I’ve received 100 orders, the offer is over for good. So make sure you grab your pack today.
I salute you all and look forward to hearing about your success.
The Creator…
Dating Guru With Secret Powers
Remember this is a RISK FREE opportunity and I'm not asking you to commit to anything at this stage. All I'm suggesting is that you use all the training materials in your own home and take advantage of my incredible 30 day no-questions asked, no-nonsense, no-quibble Guarantee so that you can apply the system and prove to yourself how simple and effective this is.
Don’t sell yourself short by letting your doubts bestow you the highest chances of romantic success you deserve. So what are you waiting for? NOW is the time to TAKE ACTION to change your dating life for ever. Just remember, the only thing standing between you and the type of relationship you want with women is YOU! Grab your copy today
This offer won't be around for long ... Only the first 100 will have a chance to receive the MEGA DISCOUNT and 5 INCREDIBLE FREE BONUSES. Every amazing thing I talked about in here YOU could be starting to learn and experience minutes from now after you download this System. So don't deliberate too long about this and miss out.
Remember, you'll get instant access to:
Limited Edition Product | Detail | |
![]() |
THE CREATOR'S - Online Dating Profile Mastery | The 5 Volume Ultimate Online Dating Program including: |
- VOLUME 1 | Introduction - "Welcome to the Exciting World of Online Dating | |
- VOLUME 2 | Preparation - "How to Organize Your Mindset for Success" | |
- VOLUME 3 | The Shop Window - "How to Create POW in Your Online Profile" |
- VOLUME 4 | Communication - "How to Get Them Hooked and Retain Attention" | |
- VOLUME 5 | Final Stage - "Heading for and Succeeding in The Real World" | |
BONUS Products | ||
![]() |
Super Hot Bonus #1: | Interracial Dating Manual "A detail guide on how to achieve success at interracial dating" |
![]() |
Super Hot Bonus #2: | My Conversational Cheat-Sheet "Transcripts of actual conversations with women that reveal exactly how I seduced them" |
![]() |
Super Hot Bonus #3: | Online Profile Critiques "Practical examples of online profiles with the good and bad aspects pointed out for you to easily follow" |
![]() |
Super Hot Bonus #4: | Emoticon and Net Acronym Library "A resource library of non-verbal communication symbols." |
![]() |
Super Hot Bonus #5: | Online Dating Management Journal "The Interactive tracking package for tracking dates" |
And remember guys…
Words and Knowledge are two of the most powerful tools used by mankind but mean nothing without a third essential ingredient…
But don’t just take my word for it, just take a look below and read some of the Rave Reviews from my satisfied customers who have already purchased The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery…
After purchasing your system and following your 5 stages to the letter, I decided to refocus my energies on who I am and what I really was looking for, and then tailored my photos and profile to the image I wanted to portray.
By using your material, my newly revamped profile has made a massive positive impact on the response rate from the ladies. I’m now receiving far more initial emails from women, and believe it or not, some even included their phone numbers…totally unbelievable because this never happened to me before.
Finally you have truly opened my eyes to a totally different perspective in meeting the women of my dreams, and my confidence in doing so has gone through the roof. Thanks again for everything". David – Atlanta, USA
"Thanks Creator for, well…creating such a great internet dating system. Now the area which was a sticking point and quite a challenge for me before reading your book was regarding my profile ad and pictures. Simply, I just wasn’t getting much response, well in fact any response at all which was pretty dismal if I’m honest with myself. After studying your methods outlined in detail in chapter 3 ‘Creating your online Profile’ and following the suggested exercises and checklists, (which I did on blind faith); as a result my profile was viewed far more times than previous and my dating responses have vastly improved. Now after several weeks I have found a great lady who is absolutely stunning…I’m hoping this will develop into a full blown relationship. (PS: attached are a few pictures just as a thank you, but please don’t broadcast them)"
Robin – Thousand Oaks, USA
"The Creator, I’m so glad I purchased your manual and it was apparently clear from the outset that you indeed have a genuine passion for helping men improve their online results. After studying each of the steps I now feel so empowered, and not afraid to venture further into the internet dating world with far more confidence. Your approach was very both practical, effective, inspirational and your uncanny ability to identify areas of concern where guys typically go wrong, but then offer realistic solutions was totally invaluable and beyond all of my expectations. Therefore this testimonial is the very least I could do to express my sincere gratitude for regaining my own self-belief system"
Charles – Boston, MA, USA
"Hi Creator I have just returned from your 2 day workshop in Las Vegas, and it’s a pleasure to write a testimonial.
The Creator, what can I say; what an amazing character with a very humorous personality. I’ve been so fortunate to meet him in person. He is a man who is so encouraging, positive, up-beat and such a knowledgeable coach within the online dating community. The Creator was extremely sharp and quick at identifying where each student was going wrong with our online game, but working closely with him we were able to rectify, improve and unlock our potential through his guidance. I would seriously recommend working with him and purchasing any of his products. Trust me you want The Creator on your side."
Spiller G – Miami, FL
Lyndon – Cardiff, UK"
"I felt it was Important to forward you a testimonial about the recent product I purchased from your website, creatordating.com. I am a professional divorced man in my mid forties who has ventured into the world of meeting women via online dating websites around 2 years ago. However for some unknown reason I seemed to be attracting the wrong type of ladies who I had nothing in common with. Regardless of what I did to my profile, I always seemed to end up in unhealthy relationships which eventually resulted in me becoming less confident with interacting with women online, and eventually a total loss of self-esteem. You were recommended to me by a friend of mine who commented that you could really help.
Initially I was skeptical as to how much I would benefit from following the steps as detailed in your online dating program. Nevertheless with trepidation I did purchase your book and all I can say is that my confidence, enthusiasm and passion has now finally been restored. With your direction, suggestions, guidance and solid advice on dealing with several particular areas of my online presence I eventually managed to weed out the counterproductive and unnecessary projection of who I am. I now feel so far better in myself, you have truly given me a number of quality tangible ideas to improving my overall online dating experience.
You have taught me invaluable techniques for handling a variety of situations which I’m now putting to practice, which is now attracting the type of women that I want to be with. It amazes me to look back at the reasons behind my previous failures and how my life has turned around through your advice. I encourage anyone who is serious about meeting women online to purchase this book, because it seems The Creator does indeed have hidden powers"
Sebastian – London, UK
"I found your website whilst searching for a specialist dating coach who could assist me with my poor performance with meeting ladies online. I’m a pretty shy guy and I thought it would be far easier to interact with women online rather than embarrass myself at trying to pick them up at nightclubs. However I was really struggling with approaching women online because I didn’t know how to initiate the first emails. Your tips with approaching were absolutely terrific. I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was once you knew what the rules were. I am learning so much from your system and I’m dating far more women now that I’ve ever done in my entire life. Oh and my friends can’t believe the turnaround…neither can I…but it’s kinda nice (big grin). I owe my newly discovered life to you…The Creator"
Ronnie– Birmingham, AL
"I would highly recommend The Creator to anyone that is interested in looking for a relationship or simply dating online. I had the pleasure of meeting him at a seminar in London in 2012 and right-off the bat you could tell he’s a cool guy that has a real passion for the subject and is one of the most ego-less dating coaches that I’ve ever come across. His skills are very real and up to date and currently I’m utilizing all of his techniques as outlined in his latest product 'The Creators - Online Dating Profile Mastery’. This guy can attract women at ease which we all witnessed live during the seminar, quite amazing to watch. He seems to go above and beyond the rest of the guru’s out there. My opinion ...totally unstoppable!"
Christopher – Glasgow, UK
Great investment, Great Program with Great Results. Creator you’re The Man"
Lou – Las Vegas, USA
"The Creator, I want to thank you for all the help you gave me as my personal online dating coach. I was extremely impressed with both your professional knowledge and invaluable insight into the world of meeting women online via your brilliant and easy-to-understand system ‘The Creator Online Dating Profile Mastery’. I can honestly say this system was jammed packed full of excellent ideas that gave me everything I needed to know in a systematic, no waffle approach which I could relate to. I would recommend this over and above any other online dating system currently on the market since the results were far better than anything I expected. Yes for me a new life meeting countless women online has already started. Again I thank you."
Terrence - Michigan, USA
"After reviewing the latest product from the The Creator I would highly recommend any experienced or novice online dater to ensure they get hold of of his fantastically detailed and practical program ‘The Creator - Online Dating Profile Mastery’ in their possession. All the reader needs to do is follow the course material page by page, step by step, point by point to craft an irresistible online dating profile that will bring immediate attention, interest, desire, and action. Known as being one of the very best ‘rising stars’ in the dating community, The Creator has certainly over delivered once again. By simply using the same magical formula of The Creator...you too can have secret powers."
Carl – Wales, UK
GH CEO - www.ebonyivorydating.com “We have received lots of positive comments from clients. Seen a big rise in quality of profiles from members using this system. Without a doubt one of the best dating coaches out there!"
"Hi Creator, I’m not the type of guy who dispenses compliments fast and readily especially in this age of doubt and skepticism, trust is not easily achieved, however saying that I would like to acknowledge the fact that you most definitely have quite a brilliant and fantastic mind-set when it comes to breaking down exactly what women think about us men when it comes to trying to date them online. You are without doubt the best dating guru I’ve personally come across. And from your latest product it can quickly be seen that you ‘get it’ and for me personally I’ve had startling results. So for anyone reading this; If you need killer advice, tips and want to get women online to answer your emails or select your profile over the thousands out there, then I recommend The Creator, hands down."
P.Packer – San Diego, USA
"The Creator,
it was extremely refreshing to see that someone has finally developed brand new material for guys to use to attract Women online.
I’m a typical average Joe (Mid-thirties, slightly overweight) who’s has been using the internet as a medium for dating women for about 5 years now and I’ve always been interested and keen in trying out material from the pick-up-artist community.
Sadly though most of the stuff out there is now quite dated or just the same old stuff being revamped. Must say your Online dating system is long ever due and for me (and probably quite a lot of other men too) answers our prayers. After discovering this new and very exciting online dating system my success rate has achieved new boundaries. Typically I would receive around 6 emails every month, but now that’s more like 25-30.
Your system is 100% effective since it deciphers Accurately and Exactly what women see in us men as well as developing the best profiles and handling the first contact …
just wish I had this step-by-step guide 5 years ago HAHA!
Best money I’ve spent on learning how to pick up women online."
Desharious – Savannah, Georgia, USA
"Mr Creator,
Just quick notes to tell you that I used ALL of your techniques as outlined in your books, and guess what…
Within 48 hours 14 Women Contacted ME!!”
Ok I will be honest and frank with you, at first I was skeptical, but within a matter of hours my lame-love-life had most certainly taken a complete turnaround.
The stuff I've learned is absolutely crazy and your seduction tips improved my effectiveness to obtaining more than enough dates. This books are an essential MUST read - Whoever isn't willing to take out a few dollars to gain access to this information is missing out on a lot. Sypher – Salt Lake City, USA
"The Creator…
• It’s now Dec 16th, 2012 and I’ve just finished posting my profile after following your steps.
• 6 Minutes later = 4 emails.
• I am actually still in disbelief that it was this easy!
• I never had so much fun writing messages before!
• Today I’m feeling good…really good. Thanks bro.”
• Just another quick update, Dec 17th 2012...Meeting up with a prospect tonight!
Thanks for the secret powers…How cool am I feeling right now (Big GRIN!!)"
Denzil – Montgomery, AL, USA
Downloadable Copies Of
‘The Creator's - Online Dating Profile Mastery’
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